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Ask an Expert - Forum > Which side do I use?

I am having a hard time determining the correct side of the paper to paint on. The side with the embossed Lanaquarelle name is not as smooth as the "back." I have used it quite a lot but I think I am always using the back side. Can you please tell me what the correct side is for painting?
December 14, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Singleton
As is true with every mould made paper - Lanaquarelle being no different - there are 2 distinct sides/surfaces to the sheet. The felt side (more texture) and the wire side (smoother from touching the production screen). Depending on the needs or desires of the artist both sides of the sheet are usable. Usually it is the felt side of the sheet that is preferred, that said if your needs are for a smoother surface the wire side would probably be to your liking.
December 14, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLegion Paper