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Ask an Expert - Forum > ridges in Rives BFK rolls

I am using 42x10yd rolls of Rives BFK for drawing. When unrolled, the paper has very noticeable ridges that don't go away, I assume from being rolled up over time. How do I get these ridges out? Or can it be done? I love the paper, but don't think I can keep drawing on it if I can't get the lumps out. Perhaps there is another alternative?
May 23, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterD
Please send us some images of the ridges you're describing to the email info [at] Please include a phone number so we can follow up with you.
May 25, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterLegion Paper
Thanks for sending us the images. The ridges or waves in the sheet are as a result of tension being in the roll format. Dampening the sheet from the reverse side with a mister MAY help but also may change overall characteristics of the paper. When you dampen any sheet of paper - especially lightly surface-sized papers like BFK - you open up the surface to make it more receptive of ink from the plate (for printmaking applications). Since you’re drawing on the paper there’s no telling what might happen to the surface when dampened from the back - it very well might change and you might not like the change for your medium. Perhaps you have something that you can test on instead of your final large piece?
June 10, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterLegion Paper